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QFM2120 Hum/Tmp.sensor duct 0-10V/LG-Ni
Duct sensor for humidity and temperature
514.11 SR 514.11 SAR
Duct Smoke Detector
Price includes on site programming, testing and commissioning.
1,230.00 SR 1230.0 SAR
VVF42.80-80 2-Port Valve PN16 flanged
2-port valve, flanged, PN16, DN80, kvs 80
1,819.93 SR 1819.93 SAR
VVF42.65-50 2-Port Valve PN16 flanged
2-port valve, flanged, PN16, DN65, kvs 50
1,339.00 SR 1339.0 SAR
VKF42.250 Butterfly valve PN16; DN250
Butterfly valves PN16 for flanged connections, with tight shutoff
1,565.75 SR 1565.75 SAR
TXA1.IBE Island bus expansion module
Island bus expansion module for decentralized sub-islands with TX-I/O-modules
470.75 SR 470.75 SAR
SQL321B270 2P Rotary Actuator 270Nm
Electromotoric actuator, 2P, 270 Nm
3,375.25 SR 3375.25 SAR
SKD60 Valve actuator 1000N stroke 20 mm
Electrohydraulic actuator, 1000 N, 20 mm, AC 24 V, DC 0...10 V/4...20 mA, spring return
1,344.59 SR 1344.59 SAR
QVE1901 Flow switch
Flow switch for use in hydraulic systems, PN25, DN20...200
286.59 SR 286.59 SAR
QVE1900 Flow switch
Flow switch for use in hydraulic systems, PN10, DN32...200
358.25 SR 358.25 SAR
QBM2030-5 Diff. pressure sensor
Differential pressure sensor, 0…200 Pa, 0…250 Pa, 0…500 Pa
440.66 SR 440.66 SAR
QBM2030-30 Air Diffirential Pressure Sensor
Air differential pressure sensor, 0…1000 Pa, 0…1500 Pa, 0…3000 Pa
352.53 SR 352.53 SAR
QBM2030-1U Diff. pressure sensor
Differential pressure sensor, -50…50 Pa, -100…100 Pa, 0…100 Pa
352.53 SR 352.53 SAR
QBE3100-D10 Differential pressure senso
Differential pressure sensor for liquids and gase (4…20 mA) 0…10 bar
1,145.26 SR 1145.26 SAR
QBE2003-P6 Pressure sensor liquid/gas
Pressure sensor for neutral and slightly aggressive liquids and gases (0…10 V) 0…6 bar
544.10 SR 544.1 SAR
QAA24 Detector
Room temperature sensor LG-Ni1000
90.64 SR 90.64 SAR