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أجهزة التحكم الذاتي

مزود طاقة KNX
KNX Power supply unit DC 29 V, 640 mA with additional unchoked output, N 125/22
864.00 SR 864.0 SAR
TXA1.IBE Island bus expansion module
Island bus expansion module for decentralized sub-islands with TX-I/O-modules
470.75 SR 470.75 SAR
PXC001-E.D System Controller (IP)
System controller for the integration of KNX, M-Bus, Modbus or SCL over BACnet/IP
5,523.86 SR 5523.86 SAR
4,981.55 SR 4981.55 SAR
PXC4.E16-2 Automations station
Automation Station, 16 Input/Outputs, BACnet/IP
2,214.88 SR 2214.88 SAR
PXC5.E24 وحدة تحكم تلقائي
PXC5.E24 Automation Station
4,966.01 SR 4966.01 SAR
PXC22.1.D Automation Station
Automation station with 22 data points, extendable and BACnet on LonTalk
4,779.59 SR 4779.59 SAR
PXM10 Operating Unit
Operator unit, local
1,149.20 SR 1149.2 SAR